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Timed Ken Burns

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $7.50.

Easier than the built in Ken Burns. Adapts to any sized media.

Requires Final Cut Pro 10.4.10 or higher.


Timed Ken Burns - Faster and Easier


Set the “transition time” to any amount, from an instant switch to 100%, like the built in Ken Burns.

Two added interpolation types: Accelerate and Decelerate (along with the Constant, Ease In, Ease Out and Ease Both options provided with the built in Ken Burns.)

The ability to accurately align the start and end positions.

The ability to accurately size the “view areas” to be equal to each other, if required (example: panning).

Easily switch to and from the Setup view.

Unlike the original Ken Burns, you cannot go outside the edges of the media Timed Ken Burns is applied to.


Using larger media than the project will have better, more sharp results.

SC Video Cleaner is recommended for all clips for improved appearance.

Animation Types (interpolations):

Setup Demo:

When selecting Setup, the media always returns to its “un-zoomed” appearance.


Installation Instructions.

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A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.