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About this clip


Requires Final Cut Pro 10.4.10 or higher. May be backdated to 10.4.4.

About this clip

Effect template for collaboration — displays metadata

Displays Project name, Media name, date of media import, Audio sample rate, frame size, field dominance, format (e.g. “4K”, progressive/interlaced) and FPS, clip length, and selection data that updates in real time while you edit!

This effect can be applied to Titles and Generators as well!
[Do not attempt to add a clip with About this clip to a drop zone! FCPX will certainly crash. (Apple has been advised — and now, so have you.) Nothing will be lost, you’ll just have to restart.]

You can click anywhere on the About this clip layout and drag the pane around the screen. Parameter controls include Scale, Text Color, Background Color and Background Opacity (default set to 50% — since this is an effect, you can set your preferences and Save Effects Preset.)

Note: Selection metadata may depend on whether timecode starting at other than 00:00:00:00 is present for the clip when imported (Start, End and Duration in the Info Inspector).

Easy to remove from any project. Simply select all (Command-A) Clips in the timeline, select Remove Attributes from the Edit menu, turn off Effects master, then select About this clip and Remove.

Further information/tutorial:

Installation Instructions.

Keep up to date with Sight-Creations on Twitter.

A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.