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Slide In – Slide Out


Slide In – Slide Out is 16 different combinations of slide effect (either end is optional.)

Requires Final Cut Pro 10.4.10 (may be backdated to 10.4)

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Slide In - Slide Out Effect

Simple. Drop it on and set your Method and timings.

Shown is the “Method” menu.

In Start, In End, Out Start and Out End timing parameters are in Percent of length of clip.

A Curvature parameter to go from Linear animation to Ease In/Ease Out.

That’s it!

Timings can be set to Off (In End at 0, Out Start at 100). Also try In End < In Start or Out End < Out Start to turn clips “on” or “off” at specific times.

It works with any Aspect Ratio! In coming and Out going animations always begin and end right at the edges of the clip — no mistaking the timing.

This effect can be used on Titles to animate them in or off the screen, as well.

The demo below shows 13 of the 16 variations. The first 12 show clips segmented into 1.5 second segments with the effect applied.

This effect was applied to every clip in the demo video.

Slide In - Slide Out directions menu


Installation Instructions.

Keep up to date with Sight-Creations on Twitter.

A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.