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SC Overlay


SC Overlay is a replacement for the standard Overlay Title in Final Cut Pro X. SC Overlay allows animation in from left, right, top and bottom directions and includes a center position. Built in Motion 5.3.2 and may require FCPX 10.3 or higher. Includes installation instructions (this template has been “themed” and requires specific installation).

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SC Overlay

SC Overlay is a replacement for the standard Overlay Title in Final Cut Pro X. SC Overlay allows animation in from left, right, top and bottom directions and includes a center position. Built in Motion 5.3.2 and may require FCPX 10.3 or higher.

Using SC Overlay

SC Overlay is almost exactly the same as the original. There is a menu parameter named Direction. The original did not allow this option. All animation was from the Left In except for the Arrow Shape option which was Left Top Down. Left In is now available for all shape options as well as the following:

•Left Top Down
•Center Top Down
•Right Top Down
•Right In
•Right Bottom Up
•Center Bottom Up, and
•Left Bottom Up

SC Overlay allows you to set the Amount of Blur (“Blur Motion Amt.”) applied to the motion animation from 0 to 32+ (for higher than 32 values, click and drag up on the number value to increase).

Color Theme and Shape options remain exactly the same.

Align Title has been repaired so that the value of 0 indicates the default (centered) position of the ‘title subtitle’ text section.

In SC Overlay, the description/name pairs has been modified in the following way:

These text items are formatted as “Paragraph” style text objects meaning
that they are complete TextEdit objects contain a bounding box and ruler for
placing Tabs.  SC Overlay adjusts the right side of the bounding box to equal the
offset of the left edge. What this means is: you can use the Text Alignment
parameters in the Title inspector to align the text objects as Left (default),
Center and Right aligned text and have the text align properly within the
background bounds.

If you need more room for text entries, modify the text bounding boxes by dragging the control squares along the edges of the bounding box to adjust the space needed.

For assistance lining up altered text spacing, I recommend:
Guides 2— a simple generator for lining up objects within the frame viewer in Final Cut Pro.

Installation Instructions.

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A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.