Vertical Text
A basic title for vertical text layout with position and rotation parameters. Supports Font Book Collections. Font parameters [font, size, alignment, tracking, All Caps, All Caps Size] included in the published parameters for your convenience.
Just some filler text:
This is one of those plugins somebody asked for on a forum. Some people just don’t want to have to deal with Motion… I get that.
There’s a learning curve that Ripple Training just can’t take away. It’s a foreign environment that takes living in it for awhile necessary to get around in easily. I’ve got thirteen years now and I’m pretty comfortable with it.
Anyway… the price is really low because it took me almost no time at all to make. I don’t believe in charging x-amount just because it’s out there. Ever notice wherever else you go that all the plugins are around 19.95 to 49.95… depending? And all about the same price from individual “companies”?
Well… you’re paying for a lot of overhead and not anything that is all that different than this and if I were marketing through FxFactory, I’d be charging that too.
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A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.
Vertical Text Title effect for Final Cut Pro X