bring Photoshop®-like functionality to Final Cut Pro X plus an easy to use keyer.
November 7, 2019: SC KeyFX is now also bundled with Highlighter, SC Retimer, SC Video Fixers and Grid at almost 50% discount! Please see this offer before you buy!
Don’t understand the Color Corrector? Find the Keyer difficult to use? SC KeyFX are a set of effects designed to make color selection easy and more user friendly by exploiting the effects masks feature of Final Cut Pro. Use the familiar eyedropper tool for color selection and have as many shape masks as you need in each effect to add to, subtract from or “isolate” a selection.
Not only are these effects very powerful, they are fun to play with.
There are 21 effects included with this package.
Core: scKeyer, scKey Fill, scKey Gradient, scKey Clone, scKey Replace
Spill Suppress, Matte Magic, scKey Sharpen, Matte Shadow
scKey Seigaiha, scKey Manga, scKey Stripes, scKey Cellular, scKey Halftone. scKey Lens Flare, scKey Op Art 1, scKey Grid, scKey Checkerboard, scKey Rays, Grain, Shake Vertical
In the image gallery above:
The Eiffel Tower and mountain scene uses scKey Stripes. The juggler uses scKey Replace. Woman with veil uses scKeyer and Spill Suppress. Owl uses Grain and Shake Vertical to create a vintage 8mm projected film look. Tennis balls and pool table uses scKey Fill. NY skyline uses scKey Replace. Shoreline uses several scKey Fills and scKey Gradient. Martian War machine uses scKeyer. Notice the Martian spaceship which is a 3D model generator appears “behind” the Eiffel tower with excellent detail.
Video Examples
A few of the things you can do with SC KeyFX:
Did you notice the “fuzz” on the yellow tennis ball?
Proof of concept Keyer examples:
Includes practice files and tips documentation, or you can preview the tips documentation in our User Guides section.
Keep up to date with Sight-Creations on Twitter.
A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.