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Animated Letterbox


SC Animated Letterbox is simple to use — many uses.

Requires FCPX 10.4.10 or higher.

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SC Animated Letterbox for artistic expression

There are seven predefined aspects from 1.85:1 to 4:1 as well as a Custom option with a control to create any letterbox effect you want.

Animation is automatic and set with four sliders.

Start In % and End In % control the beginning of the animation. End In % set to 0 will begin with the letterbox at full effect.

Start Out % and End Out % behave similarly.

End In % and Start Out % can be overlapped for effect.

Easing is available.

Offset V Center is used to keep the main subject of a clip in view. This parameter can be keyframed if necessary, but the animation of the clip aligned with the letterboxing is perfect.

Please see the demo video below. Check out the last example using TWO letterbox effects along with other effects available here to create a background (label) color as well as supply the layered text that is revealed with the animation.

There are free versions of similar templates available, but they are not built like this one (I’ve seen the tutorials) and you won’t find the same capabilities.


SC Animated Letterbox parameters


Installation Instructions. In the download zip, there are two versions of SC Animated Letterbox. One to be installed as a Title and the other as an Effect. Each are in folders that are labelled by “Install Enclosed in…” instruction.

Keep up to date with Sight-Creations on Twitter.

A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.