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Photocopy and Copier


Two templates: Photocopy Effect and Copier Transition in combination. Requires FCPX 10.0.6 or higher. (Best results if media fills frame with Copier).

Photocopy (effect) and Copier (transition)

Two related templates: Photocopy is an Effect and Copier a Transition for Final Cut Pro X.

You don’t need one to use the other, but they look great together!

This can be considered a “retro” effect. High contrast print images were a “thing” back in the 1970s and 1980s. Think LaserWriter, ImageWriter printers. No such thing as a “shade of gray”… LOL.

BTW – even more cheesy Photoshop effects 😀

Installation Instructions.

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A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.