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- $5.00
Difference Slider is a Reveal effect. Simply drag the text on screen to the position you want, apply slide animation if desired. Text is revealed by a “Difference” blend mode.
Difference Slider requires FCPX 10.4.10 or higher (may be backdated to 10.4.0).
- $15.00
Updated May 16, 2022 and includes 3D model extras of a baseball field and a baseball scoreboard (separate models). A user requested ability to color the Home/Away teams included with v2.1.3, otherwise, if coloring is not needed, v2.1.2 is the current updated version for Baseball Bug.
User guide (simplified) included.
Updates requires 10.4.3+ but may be backdated to 10.3.
- $10.00
A simple text callout… which can also be used as a simple circular bug.
Compatible with FCPX 10.2 or greater.