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SC Guides 3


October 4, 2020 — this product has been discontinued and replaced with Guides. If you bought this product and would like a free upgrade, please use the Support/Contact form, include the Order Number and the email you used when you purchased it and I will send you a copy of the upgraded Guides.

SC Guides is designed as a Title for a *low profile* in your storyline!

This is a new update and may require FCPX 10.3 or above.

Use for positioning or aligning objects (like titles) in your videos.


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SC Guides 3

Updated template provides positioning guides for your videos. This new version will support (just about) any video resolution. You supply your project dimensions* and the template will accurately track pixels positions with an onscreen display.

*Some project dimensions are not “square pixel” dimensions. In these cases, minor adjustments to the Project Width and Height parameters may be necessary (see enclosed User Guide).

Two OnScreen Controls provided: one to control the guidelines and the other to make it possible to move the numerical position feedback area to another location on the screen.

Guideline color may be customized.

When finished using the guidelines, simply type the ‘v’ key to disable (and remove from rendering).

Note: to temporarily disable snapping in the Viewer, press and hold the Command key.

To see a general tutorial for the basic functionality of this template, or to download the older version (backward compatible to ~ FCPX 10.0.5) see this video:

Installation Instructions.

Keep up to date with Sight-Creations on Twitter.

A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.