Teddy Bear 3D Model
Generator for FCPX
Cute little teddy bear for birthdays and/or holidays!
Parameters available (for positioning or keyframing animation):
Position, Rotation, Scale, Body angle, Left and Right Arm movement, Head movements (up/down and left/right), Light direction and Shadow intensity. There is an Onscreen Control for use with rotating and positioning the model in the Viewer (make sure to manually set position keyframes if required… the OSC will not provide automatic position keyframes.)
This template requires installing a special font (ZZSCBasicShapes-Regular.ttf – included). [You are free to use the font for other purposes, just don’t distribute it (see enclosed license)]. I created this entire model with just one of the characters in the font (the circle… 😉
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A good place to see all of my effects as well as several tutorials and other demonstrations in use is on my YouTube channel.