Free Downloads
This downloads page is generally used to provide easy, free access to templates developed in answer to current questions posted on Apple Support Communities forums for Motion and Final Cut Pro. Most of the templates are repairs for default templates provided with Final Cut Pro that have some kind of error or don’t behave properly. Check them out!
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Light Rays Effect
A direct copy of the Light Rays filter from Motion applied as an Effect in Final Cut.
Stroke Effect
This is a fully published Motion filter that can be used to create amazing outlines and borders — wherever there is “alpha” in the clip.
Sliding Panel - SC
Place text anywhere on the screen by dragging the text where you want it. Set up to be convenient for social media videos. Adds drift control, rectangle “padding”, all caps option, text color fill option. Will work in *any* aspect project.
Credits / Photo Album / Turn - Coloring
The original only allows changing the color of the text objects. This version allows recoloring just about everything else. Install in: Motion Templates/Titles/Credits/Photo Album (create folders that do not already exist!)
Four Corners - Alt
The original is not vertical video friendly. It’s not even all that adaptable in Motion, so I rebuilt this title from scratch. OSC for position and several other features make it more useful for any aspect ratio. Starts off as a “kind of” lower third.
Basic Text Effect
Almost like a Basic Title, only it’s added to clips as an Effect. Supports on-screen positioning (but text must be edited in the Inspector), Rotation, Character Rotation, Scale, Shear, Font, Size, Alignment, Line Spacing, Tracking, Baseline, Face Color/Opacity, Outline/Opacity, and Drop Shadows. More importantly: there are built in Shape Masks and a Color Mask.
Film Roll - SC
Added a Drop Zone to the Film effect. Media can be played or still. Stretching the generator out in time will slow down the film strip animation (but media will play correctly). *Aug 24, 2022 8:30pm CT: added option to change background color.
Speech Bubbles - SC
Adds Aspect Adjust control for use with vertical and square videos.
Fixes a few other issues concerning Bubble Width and Bubble Height.
Remove Newlines
Unzip and install in /Home folder/Library/Services.
Removes newline/return characters from text and if necessary, repairs multiple sequential spaces into one space. Select Text in FCP Text Inspector, right click, select Services > Remove Newlines.
Sensor Dust Spot Remover
A more simplified solution to *disguise* sensor dust spots. Line up the Spot Target and make adjustments to the parameters (less is more!)
Custom - SC (Title)
Changes In and Out Durations to values in % of length of clip. In and Out animations can now overlap. Out animations always end on the last frame of the title.
Custom Paragraph - SC (Title)
Exactly the same as Custom – SC except the text is in Paragraph Format providing an OnScreen Control for multiline texts. Includes Auto-Shrink options.
Disabled Clip (Title)
Can be used to disable visibility of clips and easily mark where the disabled clips are in the storyline without disabling the audio.
Graduated Mask - repaired
Fixes an issue with the original Graduated Mask effect where it is limited to an aspect ratio of 2:1. This fix will handle any aspect ratio, but is best suited for aspect ratios of 5:1 or less.
Fade - SC
This is a fundamental redesign of the Fade method whereby the In and Out Durations are now set to % of length of title and Out is guaranteed to finish on the last frame.
Color Panels - Repaired
Repairs a problem with the original Color Panels where the original source clips are offset by 3 px for outgoing and 2 px for incoming clips.
Flashback Transition Repaired
Fixed a couple of problems with the original (a “jerkiness” at the start and end and black regions appearing at the edges).
Instant Replay - SC
The original is extremely limited. This version allows positions, scaling, colors, glow/glint options and animation timing options.